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Aaaniin/Boozhoo/Gilakas’la/Kii-te-daas a/Kwe kwe/Oki/Pjil’asi/Shé:kon/Tân’si/Tunngasugit/Wha Chii Ya/Wa.é ák.wé
Welcome. On behalf of the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) we invite you to complete this survey of the Indigenous tourism sector in Canada. Your input is urgently needed to help ITAC understand the sector’s current condition and potential for recovery and growth.
ITAC needs your insights to make the strongest case possible for improved supports to help the Indigenous tourism sector recover and grow beyond the COVID-19 disaster. This survey is seeking input from all Indigenous organizations, artists, and businesses that provide cultural experiences, events, goods and/or services to tourists. It asks questions about the state of your operations and asks you to estimate COVID-19's business impact on your operations in 2021 and beyond.
We take your privacy seriously. The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential and your identity will be kept anonymous. Your survey responses will only be used as part of provincial/territorial and national profiles of the Indigenous tourism sector.
It will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. If you need time to find an answer, you can close the browser and come back using the same link you received. Your previous answers will be saved.
You can also choose to skip any particular questions that you would prefer not to answer by selecting the ‘right arrow’ button on the bottom of each page.
In undertaking this important research ITAC has contracted The Conference Board of Canada.
Should you have any questions about the survey please contact the Project Manager:
Adam Fiser, Ph.D
Associate Director, Indigenous and Northern Communities
The Conference Board of Canada
Tel: 613-520-8617
About ITAC
The Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada (ITAC) works to improve the socio-economic condition of Indigenous P
eoples through the provisions of economic development advisory services, tourism conferences, capacity development training and workshops, industry research and information for Indigenous tourism operators and communities within the 13 regions; 10 provinces and three territories of Canada. ITAC develops relationships with other groups and regions with similar mandates, uniting the Indigenous tourism industry in Canada and works to enable collective support, product development, promotion and marketing of authentic Indigenous cultural tourism businesses in a respectful protocol. The ITAC Board is made up of Indigenous tourism industry representatives from each of the provinces and territories.
For more information please visit
or email